Reviews archive
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Reviews archive
A collection of reviews for every film, from opening date till today

This section collects reviews and critical essays for every film directed by Stanley Kubrick, in chronological order.

I can't remember any Stanley Kubrick movie that when was released there wasn't controversy. [...] And then ten years go by, and they're all classics.

Sydney Pollack, A Life in Pictures, 2001

Stanley Kubrick's films have always been controversial: they usually split the audiences and the critics and they received mixed reactions after every premiere. Very few reviews admitted the richness Stanley Kubrick put in his films and the director's unique and profound vision from the beginning. Quite often many movie critics and journalists misinterpreted his films or, at best, dismissed them as technically brilliant works with a cold and distant look.

But, in every single case, after some months or years Kubrick's films have been reassessed more positively and became masterpieces. An impressive number of films by Kubrick have become milestones in the history of film-making.

With the reviews collected in this section, the path of Kubrick's films can be observed, from his early works to his final, still discussed masterpiece.

In addition to the film reviews, other essays analyze the director's entire body of work, while he was still alive and after his death in 1999.

This section is edited by Piero Fiorili

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